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"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew. And then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me. – Martin Niemöller „Eloször a szocialistákért jöttek, és nem emeltem fel értük a szavamat – mert nem voltam szocialista. Aztán a szakszervezetek tagjaiért jöttek, és nem emeltem fel értük a szavamat – mert nem voltam szakszervezeti tag. Aztán a zsidókért jöttek, és nem emeltem fel értük a szavamat – mert nem voltam zsidó. Aztán értem jöttek, és már nem volt, aki felemelje a szavát - értem.” – Martin Niemöller Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat. Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten, habe ich nicht protestiert; ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter. Als sie die Juden holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Jude. Als sie mich holten, gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte. – Martin Niemöller ** To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will. - Ronald Reagan


Russian Aircraft Force U.S. Planes Off Mission over ISIS ‘Capital’ Raqqa - by Mary Chastain 8 Oct 2015


Ralph Peters: Putin is CHANGING THE WORLD while we do nothing - Posted by The Right Scoop on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:29 AM


Putin Muscles in on Syria, Obama Cowers - by Ben Shapiro 30 Sep 2015


Related: World, United Nations, Turkey, Syria - World | Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:51am EDT - Turkey, Iran help broker rare truce in Syria - BEIRUT | By Mariam Karouny and Tom Perry


Israel should back Bashar Al-Assad in Syria OR ALL HELL will hit Jerusalem - Posted by Walid Shoebat on Jul 2, 2015 at 8:38 PM


Expert: 'No theory of victory' for the good guys in Syria - May. 21, 2015 - 6:47 - Brookings Institute's Michael O'Hanlon says it's time to 'deconstruct' the war-torn nation




Dutch Mom Travels to Syria to Rescue Daughter from ISIS - Nov. 20, 2014



Glenn Beck Investigates the Khorasan Group


‘Glenn Beck’s Theory on the Real Reason Why the U.S. Bombed the Khorasan Group in Syria - Sep. 30, 2014 8:30pm


‘Syrian Woman Accused of Adultery Pleads for Forgiveness From Her Father. He Finally Caves, Then Helps Militants Stone Her to Death.



War or Peace?


‘This Is About Destroying Sovereignty’: Beck Examines Potential Syria Strike Through the Eyes of a ‘Radical Leftist’
